well, I'm back.
"back with a 3d printer" kind of back.
took a week off earlier this month for a stay-cation, and during this time of peace, I decided it was the right time to get my hands on one.

behold, the Monoprice Select Mini.
thoughts so far:
- very inexpensive for today's standards (got it for $200)
- produces great prints
- very non-proprietary
this review convinced me in the end that this printer is the one.
by the way, the above picture shows the 3d printer with the "sample filament," which I soon realized was way, way too little to do anything.
I honestly didn't know what I should do with it at first, trying to find 3D models to print in the internet, until I stumbled into this.
an open-source, 3D-printable robot.
it's always been a dream of sorts for me to build a controllable hand.
it was my intention to build something like that during one of my college projects, but it ended up being something else (software) that is controlled (the glove controller remained).
now, this printable robot offered a printable hand (and forearm, and bicep, and shoulder, and head...).
at this point, I've actually already printed a lot of parts and am pretty well-into the process of building this.

I will elaborate my progress so far in the next post.
"back with a 3d printer" kind of back.
took a week off earlier this month for a stay-cation, and during this time of peace, I decided it was the right time to get my hands on one.
behold, the Monoprice Select Mini.
thoughts so far:
- very inexpensive for today's standards (got it for $200)
- produces great prints
- very non-proprietary
this review convinced me in the end that this printer is the one.
by the way, the above picture shows the 3d printer with the "sample filament," which I soon realized was way, way too little to do anything.
I honestly didn't know what I should do with it at first, trying to find 3D models to print in the internet, until I stumbled into this.
an open-source, 3D-printable robot.
it's always been a dream of sorts for me to build a controllable hand.
it was my intention to build something like that during one of my college projects, but it ended up being something else (software) that is controlled (the glove controller remained).
now, this printable robot offered a printable hand (and forearm, and bicep, and shoulder, and head...).
at this point, I've actually already printed a lot of parts and am pretty well-into the process of building this.

I will elaborate my progress so far in the next post.
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