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Showing posts from May, 2015

nodejs migration

Having been playing around with NodeJS recently,  I (naturally?) started re-writing some of the OpenSesame code using Node last night. I think I've only worked on it around 2 hours so far, but I've already set up a basic client interface (a chat tutorial rip) with a server that the Raspberry Pi can connect to and receive requests to open the door.  This is probably due to's socket management ( is the WebSocket module for Node); for my first implementation, I had to manually write up a structure that managed sockets, but that is pretty much handled by Also, the servo control logic is pretty much recycled (and the Raspberry Pi code is still Python), and I do remember spending some good time figuring that out.  Cool neverthelss. I'll probably keep both versions around.

come back

The last couple of weeks have been quite refreshing. The drive for learning and trying out new things has never been higher. Currently fascinated with Node.js; Javascript truly isn't the make-a-website-pretty script I had known anymore.  Playing around with back-end and front-end frameworks. Currently playing around with Sails.js, and once I get used to that, I am looking forward to trying out Angular.JS as a front-end framework. Other than that, currently have couple of other random APIs (non-Node.js) I would like to play around with, but I'm just keeping them up in my browser tabs to that I'll get to them eventually. In addition, I reviewed the Android Developer tutorial again--hoping to try making something in that end as well.