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Showing posts from August, 2013

quick recollection on setting things up

If I can swear that the password is correct, then it's possible that I'm getting the ID wrong. Hadn't logged into the web server in a couple of months and was unable to SSH into it. After an hour or so, I ended up deleting the instance and recreating a clean instance (read: erasing everything). I then realized I'd been putting the wrong ID.   apt-get install sudo apt-get install Anyways, some links I visited when setting things up (pretty much a dump of whatever I copy-pasted to notes) : Raspberry Pi Logging Tornado - Python webserver that supports Websocket

how everything is connected (for now)

There are currently three different parts: A "requester" client that will request for a door opening. A single "target" client (the Raspberry Pi) that will receive requests A central server that will relay the messages between the "requester" clients and "target" client The messaging is done using WebSocket--really great stuff. "Requester" Client Currently just a simple PHP/JavaScript page that can send a textual message to the central server. "Target" Client A Python script that keeps an active WebSocket connection to the central server. As said above, this is executed in the Raspberry Pi. Central Server A Python script that listens for WebSocket messages. This uses the Tornado library for Python for creating the WebSocket server. This is executed in the Ubuntu web server. I'll try to put more details as I go, but for now, I think this 10000-feet view is the better for catching up with the status loggin...

the current equipment/resource

Raspberry Pi (Model B) -|pcrid|27090039261|plid| - Bought mine off of Amazon Raspberry Pi Cobbler (breakout board) -  - Came with the pin connectors Typical Breadboard Edimax USB Wireless Adapter - - Had this previously, I believe purchased out of a whim (probably some Woot sale) Logitech K400 Wireless Keyboard with Touch Pad - - Bought to have a keyboard+mouse solution through one USB slot, but the Raspberry Pi is now set up for SSH, and this has now become more of a remote for the desktop. Besides, the cramped keyboard layout is not the best for coding. Anyways, had no prob...

more for self notes than anything

I moved into a new apartment on August, and so far, it's been great. One of the things that I noticed when I got the keys to the apartment was that the front-door key was labeled "do not duplicate." I normally copied a set of keys just in case I lose them, so I checked the internet to see if the "do not duplicate" denoted a physical difficulty or a moral request. The results pointed towards the former. Search results pointed out that these keys required a special "owner card," and locksmiths needed a special copying device for these specific locks. Inconvenient. Meanwhile, I was humoring the thought of getting my hands on a Raspberry Pi, but I couldn't really think of a reason to justify the purchase. Well, the two thoughts crossed ways, and the conclusion of "I should program something to open my front door" was made. How? There's an intercom system in the apartment, and I supposed that having something press the door op...