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hand building: progress so far

I guess pictures are worth a thousand words for this.

I am looking at this page in the Inmoov website to download and assemble the parts.

initial printing of parts:

shown above are some of the forearm parts and some palm parts.

the rest of the palm with some of the fingers, along with the forearm part glued together.

thankfully, these parts are designed to be printed in smaller parts and put together, which makes it possible to this to be printed with a small 3D printer like mine, which only allows for only 12cm x 12cm x 12cm (~5 inch x 5 inch x 5 inch) in print size. some parts had to be realigned in the model-slicing software in order to have it fit in the print boundary.

all the printing done so far.

you can see the inside of the forearm now has a servo bed, with more things needed to be printed and attached to the inside. I will need to get screws to attach them.

currently, the only big part missing the the last wrist part, which I am considering printing with another color (just got my order for blue filament today), since the instructions call for grease to be applied to that part.

really looking like a hand at this point!


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